Tuesday, January 17, 2012

5 Tips to Survive the First Week

So lets all face it, most of us are back at school before we're ready. We want a few more days, weeks, or even months before classes begin.  Welp, sorry folks, it's back to the grind for now, and to survive that first week, here are my top 5 tops to Survive the First Week of Class!

1.Pen, Pencil, Sharpie, Crayon, Watercolor
Bring one. You'll need to to sign in, write brief notes about things, and give your number to that cute guy or gal sitting next to you.

2. Paper, Old receipt, Take Out Menu or Pizza box.

In order to give that guy or gal your number, you're going to need something to write it on. I suggest paper since receipts and your food choices might be a little too much at first! On a serious note, you'll need paper to take any notes, or mark down important days!

3. Planner, either old or new, borrowed or blue

So you'll need a planner, something that has the days of the week and a calendar in it. Why? Because no one wants to get to class and then have your professor say "so Elizabeth, where is your paper" and you respond "What paper?"


I cannot stress this enough. We're only in week one, yeah it's overwhelming and can be scary if your into your upper level/harder classes, but just take a breath, it's just like any other semester! Plus, I promise that there are other students going through the same thing. Set your new goals and stick to them


Your friends that you made in the dorm room will still be there, but your friends in your classes that you really liked might not be. That said "facebook" stalk them, or text them to meet for lunch or coffee to reconnect and stay friends, you never know if you'll end up having classes later on and it's great to keep in contact when you do run into them in your class and need a study buddy!

Well, that's all for today! Good luck and happy note taking!

:) CGE Girl